Nurturing a green generation is becoming a necessity these days because of the increasing climate change and environmental issues. By developing eco-consciousness in your child from a young age, you take a step towards making the planet a better place to live for the next generation. One way to do this is by practising sustainability. You can make a few simple daily life changes to encourage your child to become responsible for the planet.

Make a Positive Influence Through Examples

Children can naturally learn best by observing the behaviour of the adults around them. If you want your child to learn sustainability, it all starts with you. Melbourne witnesses the impact of climate change much more than other cities. It could be a good decision to choose a childcare in Docklands who engage their kids in sustainable practices. Here are a few ways to integrate sustainable practices into your daily routine and set a positive example for your child:

  • Reduce waste by using reusable grocery bags and water bottles.
  • Recycle carefully, separating paper, plastic, and glass for proper collection.
  • Practice energy conservation by turning off lights and electronics when not in use and airdry clothes whenever possible.

These small actions have a great impact on the environment and on your children if you practice them consistently.

Engage Your Child in Activities

Learning should be fun and engaging for young children. Engage in play based learning activities with your child that turn sustainability into an adventure. Here are some ideas:

  • Gardening
    Plant a vegetable garden together with your children for them to witness the beauty of nature. They will learn about plant growth cycles, the importance of healthy soil, and the satisfaction of nurturing something from seed to harvest.
  • Crafts with Recycled Materials
    Instead of throwing away empty cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, and other recyclables, use them as creative canvases. Transform cardboard boxes into playhouses or doll furniture. String plastic bottles together to create wind chimes.
  • Nature Walks

    Go for regular nature walks to appreciate the beauty of the outdoors. Explore local parks, forests, or your own backyard. Point out the different types of plants and animals and discuss the importance of protecting their habitats.

Use Education Resources of Schools

Schools also have a major impact on shaping a child’s values and behaviour. Here are some ways schools or childcare contribute to sustainability education:

  • Subjects like science, social studies, and math allow children to learn about climate change, renewable energy sources, or the environmental impact of different industries.
  • Green initiatives such as reducing paper consumption, using energy-efficient appliances, and promoting recycling programs can help children learn and practice sustainability.
  • School gardens are also valuable resources for hands-on learning. Children can learn about plant growth, healthy eating habits, and the importance of pollinators.


Kids learn by watching us, so it’s important to practice what you preach. If you want your child to recycle, make sure you are recycling, too. If you want them to conserve water, show them how you are conserving water. Your actions will speak louder than your words.

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